6 Reasons Your Child Should Get Immunization During The Times Of Covid-19!


Millions of parents immunize their kids every year without any concerns. Yet most of the parents are probably juggling a lot of responsibilities, and moreover concerned right now about the safety of taking their kids to the doctor’s clinic during a pandemic. To help curb outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, it is important that your children must stay on schedule with immunizations, including the flu vaccine.

Here we have addressed some of the concerns parents might have about their children getting routine vaccination. QuickMD’s healthcare hub consultant pediatricians specializing in pediatric infectious diseases have shared their views and also given 6 reasons why your child should get regular immunization vaccines during the times of COVID-19. Let’s delve deep

Is It Safe to Vaccinate Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

WHO recommends that all routine childhood and adult vaccinations need to be administered as scheduled, even during the COVIS-19 pandemic. There has been no evidence that the pandemic poses any specific risks linked to immunization & vaccination. Evidence for other infectious diseases can be applied, where the evidence suggests that potential contact with a specific infectious disease is not a contradiction for routine immunization.

Routine immunization and vaccination sessions should continue to the possible extent & as permitted within the local pandemic response context.

It is especially very important that children receive all the vaccines that are scheduled at birth as well as in the first two years of their life. These vaccines and immunizations may vary as per the national recommendations. Any interrupted vaccination services for children of all age groups must be resumed and catch-up vaccinations offered as quickly as possible. Timely vaccination or immunization is ley to protect your kids from serious and life-threatening infectious diseases, illnesses and to avoid the accumulation of unvaccinated groups & potential loss of community immunity.

Pediatric clinics are open and prepared to help your child safe during your office visits by cleansing extensively, making masks mandatory, and carefully scheduling appointments to maintain social distancing.

At QuickMDcare, we offer a vast range of pediatric services in Frisco, Mckinney, & Texas including well childcare (refer to our previous blog to know more about well childcare—http://www.quickmdcare.com/well-child-care/), school physicals, adult yearly physical examination services, along with childhood & adult vaccinations. We have also implemented numerous safety measures to help protect visitors and staff.

6 Good Reasons to Get Your Child Vaccinated/ Immunization.
  1. Vaccinations are Marvels of Medicine—Excellent Defence against Deadly,Contagious & Chronic diseases
    Getting children vaccinated is the ideal way to protect them from sixteen potentially harmful diseases including flu, pertussis (whooping cough), chickenpox, and others. these diseases could be very serious, may require hospitalization, and sometimes can cause permanent disability or even death, especially in young children.
  2. Childhood Vaccinations Secure Health & Development
    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, most childhood vaccinations are 90-99% safe & effective in preventing diseases. The significance of childhood vaccinations cannot be understated, as babies and young children are among the most vulnerable groups to succumb to fatal infections. Vaccinations and immunizations strengthen their immune systems and help them stay free of preventable diseases for years, moreover a lifetime.

    For example, a single dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine provides lifelong protection. Crucially, vaccination against diseases that may affect a child’s further development does not have a negative effect on the child in adulthood.

    Without vital vanninations, varied diseases would impair the children’s further development and even can have adverse effects on them even when they grow up.

  3. Vaccines Protect & Prevent Children from Deadly Diseases
    The diseases that children face can be fatal. In the 1900s, many parents lived in agony from polio, a disease that can cause paralysis and death in children. Every child born today in the United States is less likely to come into contact with polio during development owing to the widespread use of a safe and effective polio vaccine.

    Many other diseases that children face, such as whooping cough, varicose veins and chickenpox, put them at risk of life-threatening complications and deformities that can be prevented by vaccination. Measles remains one of the leading causes of infant death worldwide, but global immunization efforts have reduced measles mortality by 84% between 2000 and 2016. Yet, according to the World Health Organization, nearly 90,000 children die of measles each year. To continue this, the WHO recommends the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

  4. Vaccines are Carefully Studied & Evaluated-They are Safe & Effective
    The fact that the vast majority of parents continue to vaccinate their children means that researchers have vast amounts of data on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Vaccines are made available to medical providers each year for testing and evaluation under the conditions under which they are manufactured, distributed and regulated. The safety of vaccines is carefully studied and evaluated.

    In addition, the timing and timing of vaccine administration are carefully studied and monitored. If a vaccine or batch of vaccines proves unsafe, protocols are used to remove it from the market. The aim is to adhere to a standardized vaccination plan to ensure that all children receive the protection of all vaccines as soon as they are administered. Your pediatrician will discuss this schedule with you and make changes based on your wishes, but we encourage you to follow the CDC-recommended vaccination plan that offers the best protection for your child.

  5. Protect Children & Others too
    In the US, 10 to 20 babies die from whooping cough every year, a disease we can prevent with the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (DTaP), but we do not give birth to babies until they are at least 2 months old. Vaccine suspension does not increase your child’s safety, but it can cause your child to delay vaccination and increase his or her risk of contracting the disease from which he or she was prevented.

    In addition, children who are not vaccinated may, in some cases, have allergic reactions, compromised immune systems, or other problems that contribute to the more than 160,000 pertussis deaths that occur each year. Vaccines also protect other people. We are seeing an increase in pertussis infection rates among teens and adults, including older adults, who are at higher risk of pertussis complications.

  6. Higher Life Expectancy
    Some serious diseases, such as rubella, polio, and tetanus, are preventable and can save people from painful treatment and enormous medical costs. It is wise to vaccinate to prevent infection with such diseases. Protecting against multiple diseases can increase a person’s life expectancy. And recommended adult yearly physical examination can help keep check on your children’s overall health.

    We can be sure that most children do not carry this dangerous disease, and we can also ensure that those who are not vaccinated are safe. But it is vital that other children are vaccinated, and this can help protect those who cannot. Vaccinations can stop the spread of the disease in schools, childcare facilities, and even at home.

What routine vaccinations does your child need?

Recommended immunization schedules like the one below might vary depending on your child’s health, where you live, the type of vaccine, and what vaccines are available. Talk with our experienced pediatric doctors about which vaccines your kid may need.

  • Birth: hepatitis B vaccine (HepB)
  • 1 to 2 months: HepB
  • 2 months: diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP); inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV); Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib); pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV); rotavirus vaccine (RV)
  • 4 months: Hib, IPV, DTaP, PCV, RV
  • 6 months: DTaP, Hib, PCV, RV
  • 6 months and then annually: influenza
  • 6 to 18 months: HepB, IPV
  • 12 to 15 months: Hib; measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) vaccine (MMR); PCV; chickenpox (varicella)
  • 12 to 23 months: hepatitis A vaccine (HepA)
  • 15 to 18 months: DTaP
  • 4 to 6 years: DTaP, MMR, IPV, varicella12 to 15 years: human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV); diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis booster (Tdap); meningococcal conjugate vaccine
  • 16 to 18 years: MenB-(meningococcal B vaccine)

The Takeaway

Your children will receive most of their vaccines by the age of six. Multiple vaccines are given more than once at various ages and in combinations. This means parents need to maintain a careful record regarding their child’s shots. Although most of the healthcare providers and pediatric clinics keep track of immunizations and vaccinations, people change pediatricians & records sometimes might get lost. The person ultimately responsible for keep tracking of your child’s immunizations is you.

QuickMDCare pediatricians offer a wide range of pediatric services at the Pediatric Hospital and healthcare facility in Frisco and McKinney, Texas, where we offer well childcare and the best pediatrics to vaccinate children.
Our state-certified pediatrician, Dr. Prague, specializes in child-friendly visits. Pediatric care creates a strong and trustworthy relationship between doctor, parent, and child. We recommend visits to pediatric care to help parents and pediatricians meet children’s needs and develop optimal mental, physical and social health for all children.

If you have any questions, concerns regarding immunization and vaccination & child healthcare, please contact our specialized pediatrician, who can help you make the best decisions for your child.

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