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Free COVID 19 Moderna Vaccine

Looking for a free Covid testing? we provide free Covid 19 Vaccine for Coronavirus in Frisco/Mckinney/Texas areas

Free COVID 19 Moderna Vaccine

We at Quick MD Care provide Free COVID 19 Moderna Vaccine for people in Frisco, McKinney, Collin County area. For any questions or further information you can always contact us at: 
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phone – 972-645-9400

COVID-19 Vaccination – Effectiveness and Safety Issues
COVID-19, the Pandemic that changed the way we live forever may come to an end with the newly approved vaccination. People who come in contact with the virus can be protected from becoming sick, only by administration of an effective COVID-19 vaccine. By maximizing the number of people that get vaccinated, we can prevent infection and spread of the virus. This will help the communities gradually return to a normal. As of now, U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two vaccines; one from pharmaceutical cooperation Pfizer and another from biotechnology company Moderna. At QuickMDCare, we would like to take this opportunity to answer any questions for the public in Frisco and McKinney areas about the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines.

How do these vaccines protect us from COVID-19?
Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are made using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an mRNA vaccine acts by encoding a part of the spike protein present on the shell of coronavirus. These vaccines, in fact, use pieces of this encoded protein to induce an immune response in the human body. As a consequence, antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, developed by our immune system, will help in protecting us from future illnesses caused by the virus. Both the mRNA and protein get eliminated after this immune response, whereas the antibodies stick in order to protect us in the future.
In general, conventional vaccines against viral disease are prepared by growing viruses in chicken eggs or other mammalian cells. In mRNA vaccines, no virus is required to make a batch of an mRNA vaccine (even though a small fragment of the virus is utilized for vaccine testing and gene sequencing). So, the response by our immune system also varies. In case of conventional vaccines, the antigen, or a piece of the virus is injected into the body, which then produces specific antibodies for the next time, when the body comes across that specific virus. Whereas in case of these mRNA vaccines, the body’s cells get instructions from the RNA to produce antigens, which further prompts T-cell and antibodies to combat the disease. Also the annual physical exam blood tests in Frisco, Mckinney, Texas.

How much is a number of doses required?
For both the Vaccines, two doses are to be given with a minimum gap of 21 days between each shot.

How much safe and effective are these Vaccines?
Before the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine, in order to make sure that all the vaccines are as safe as possible; the U.S. vaccine safety system works constantly, and also the safety aspects has been given a top priority as the federal agencies work with vaccine producers. Both the vaccines are regarded as SAFE and were approved by the U.S FDA. A vaccine that meets U.S FDA standards for safety and effectiveness can be made available in the U.S by approval or by emergency use authorization (EUA) which is a temporary authorization of a vaccine or medication under emergency situations.
On authorization of vaccine for use, continuous monitoring takes place with systems in place to track the side effects or problems that were not identified during the clinical trials. For the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA and the CDC are expanding their vaccine monitoring. CDC has created a novel tool/ App named v-safe, which is useful to monitor the side effects or any other related health issues of the people after vaccination. Both the vaccines are more effective after receiving two doses. Approximately 95% of efficacy is reported by both the manufacturers and shows at preventing the mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19.

Are there any side effects?
· Similar to all vaccines, these two vaccines also have some common side effects which are not harmful to the patient. Pain and swelling, or redness at the site of injection, headache, fever, tiredness, nausea, muscle pain, chills and joint pains are the common side effects associated with both the vaccines, mostly lasting for a day or two. In case if the symptoms persist, you should call your doctor.
· In the case of Pfizer vaccine, they claimed that there might be a chance of occurrence of severe allergic reaction in some people within one hour of administration. So, there should be a closer observation for the first one hour for all the people who are administered with the vaccine. Swelling of lymph nodes is also observed as a side effect in Pfizer vaccine.

Any Contraindications?
Though there is no scientific evidence, it is better to avoid the use of these vaccines in
1. Persons with severe allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to injectables or other vaccines.
2. Pregnant and lactating Women
3. People below the age of 18 years.

Can I get COVID-19 from the vaccine?
You cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine. The vaccines of COVID-19 manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna do not have any virus or other infectious material in them. They are planned to cause your body to build copies of a harmless part of the coronavirus, so you will not get COVID-19 from the vaccine. COVID-19 vaccination center in Frisco, Mckinney, Texas.
How did the manufacturers develop COVID-19 vaccine so quickly?

  • Vaccines have taken many years to get developed in the past. But, the quick development of the COVID-19 vaccine does not mean that the safety measures were skipped.
  • Vaccine developed for COVID-19 by Pfizer/BioNTech has been years in development for other infectious viruses. Hence, the manufacturing process was ready very early in the Pandemic.
  • Also, some types of these vaccines were manufactured using messenger RNA (mRNA), a new technology that allowed a faster approach than the conventional way of vaccines preparation.
  • Social media enabled the manufacturers to reach out to, and register study volunteers and many people were ready to help, so there was enough number of research participants to test these COVID-19 vaccines. We are the best COVID-19 vaccination center in Frisco, Mckinney, Texas. We also provide the child healthcare services.

Though the vaccines available are proven to be safe and effective, it is better to maintain all the precautions (such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance and frequent handwashing) to control the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is stated that in around 5% to 10% of people, the vaccine is not effective, and if you are one among them, you could catch the novel coronavirus. Several studies are conducted to see whether the vaccine, even when effective at containing the disease, keeps an individual from harbouring the coronavirus and spreading it to others. Together with these cautions, we can protect ourselves and our Nation. We are the best service providers in Frisco, Mckinney, Texas.