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What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD Problem) is a psychiatric condition that triggers repetitive intrusive thoughts or experiences (obsessions) or the desire to do things over and over again (compulsions). Any individual can have obsessions and compulsions.

OCD is not about habits like grinding your nails or thinking bad thoughts. An addictive thinking may be that certain numbers or colours are “good or bad.” A compulsive practice may be to wash your hands seven times after touching anything that might be filthy. You do not want to think or do these things, but you feel helpless to resist.

Everyone has habits or thoughts that are repeated sometimes. People with OCD problem have thoughts or actions that include:

OCD goes beyond double testing or practicing a game day ritual. Someone who has been diagnosed with OCD is compelled to obey these rituals repeatedly, even though they don’t want to—and even though they interrupt their lives needlessly.

Symptoms of OCD

Obsessive thinking or compulsive habits consistent with OCD problem normally last longer than an hour each day and interfere with everyday life.



These are repeated acts that briefly alleviate the tension and discomfort induced by obsession. Sometimes, people who have compulsions feel that these practices can prevent anything negative from happening.

Causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is not well established. Key hypotheses include the following:

Genetic Reasons
OCD problem appears to be family-based, suggesting a possible genetic link that experts are investigating.

Imaging studies have shown that the brains of people with OCD function with characteristic differences. For example, genes that affect how the brain responds to neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin may play a role in causing the disorder.

Autoimmune associated causes
Often signs of OCD occur in children following infection, such as:

In a child with PANS, signs begin unexpectedly and reach maximum strength within 24–72 hours. They will vanish, but they may return at a later date.

Causes of conduct

One hypothesis suggests that an OCD person learns to avoid anxiety associated with such circumstances or artifacts by practicing routines to minimize perceived danger. An initial apprehension can start around a time of extreme stress, such as a stressful accident or severe loss. When a person connects an event or condition with the sensation of terror, they tend to avoid the object or situation in a way that tends to describe OCD. This could be more prevalent in individuals with an inherited predisposition to disorder.

Forms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD Types

OCD can influence different individuals in a number of ways. It could include:

Concern over checking

An individual with OCD problem can feel the need to search for problems repeatedly. This may include:

Contamination Concerns

Few people with OCD have a constant, intense desire to shower. They will be fearful that the items they contact are tainted.

This might lead to:

Any person develops a feeling of contamination whenever they believe someone has mistreated or insulted them. They could try to eliminate this feeling by washing.

This involves a person who feels unable to throw away used or useless possessions.

Intrusive Thinking

Symmetry and Ordinance
A individual with this form of OCD may feel like they need to organize items to prevent pain or hurt.
For example, they may repeatedly rearrange books on a shelf.

Treatment for OCD

A typical treatment plan for OCD Problem will usually include both psychotherapy and medication. The combination of the two treatments is usually the most effective.



If you have had any of these symptoms then consult best Psychiatry doctors to overcome these problems. QuickMdCare Doctors will help to figure out this OCD Problem, if needed they will assist you to follow some procedures to cure Obsessive Compulsive disorder.

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