Prevention tips for Cold, Cough and Ear Infections

Tips to manage Cold, Cough and Ear Infection in Children

Common cold is a bacterial infection of the nose and throat (the upper respiratory tract). It’s typically harmless, but it may not sound like that. Many virus types can lead to common cold. Children younger than 6 are at the highest risk of colds, but healthy adults may also expect to experience two to three colds a year. Cold symptoms normally take a few days to develop. The signs of a cold rarely turn up unexpectedly. Most people can recover from a common cold in a week or 10 days. Symptoms can last longer in people who smoke. If your symptoms do not change, see your doctor.

How are the colds spread?

Children can catch colds from siblings, parents, other family members, playmates or carers. Germs are usually spread in one of three ways:

Close interaction 

Direct contact, with an infected person, like kissing, touching or holding hands. If you have a virus, you will have germs in your nose , mouth, eyes, and hands. You can pass on the virus by touching other people.

Indirect contact means touching something that has been touched by an infected person — a toy, a doorknob or a used tissue — and now has germs on it. Some germs, including those that cause colds and diarrhoea, may remain on the surface for many hours.

When an individual coughs or sneezes several germs spread through the air. Cough or sneeze droplets can enter the nose or mouth of another.

Typical signs of a cold include

Influenza ( flu) virus is responsible for cough, high fever and body aches. It happens quicker than a cold, and makes people feel worse. Children with colds typically have the stamina to play and continue their normal routines. Usually, kids with the flu will be in bed.

How do I actually prevent a cold in children?

  • The most effective way to minimise the spread of colds is by hand washing:
  • Wash your hands after you have coughed, sneezed or kissed your nose.
  • Since contacting someone who has a cold, wash your hands.
  • Wash your own hands and the hands of your husband, after wiping the nose of your husband.
  • Using pre moistened hand wipes or alcohol-based hand sanitizers when water and soap are not available.Keep wipes and hand sanitizers out of reach of your kids, because if swallowed, they can be harmful.
  • Keep babies under 3 months away, if possible, from people with colds.
  • Teach your kids to cover their nose and mouth with tissues when sneezing or coughing, or to cough into their upper sleeve or elbow.
  • Avoid sharing toys that young children put into their mouths until cleaned.
  • Avoid sharing cups, towels or utensils with others until you have cleaned them.
  • If your child is attending daycare, tell the caregiver about any symptoms and ask if that day your child should stay at home.
  • Make sure your child receives all of the necessary vaccines. Although vaccines will not prevent colds, they will help prevent some of the complications, such as bacterial ear or lung infections. Influenza (influenza) vaccine protects against grip but not against other respiratory tracts.

Cough in children

A cough, also known as tussis, is a voluntary or involuntary act that removes foreign particles, bacteria, irritants, fluids, and mucus from the throat and breathing passage; it is a rapid expulsion of air from the lung. When someone coughs a lot, it may be a sign of sickness. Many coughs, including common cold, are caused by infectious diseases but there are also non-infectious causes. While occasional cough is common, a persistent cough can be a sign of a medical issue. If a cough lasts longer than three weeks, it is called “acute.” If it lasts longer than eight weeks (in girls, four weeks) it is called “chronic”.

If a child is over 1 year old, he or she should try a warm lemon and sweet beverage.
You must follow the tips below to make hot citrus fruit in your home:

  • Squeeze out half a lemon in a mug of boiling water.
  • Apply 1 to 2 Teaspoons of honey.
  • Even hot drinks (don’t give hot beverages to young children)

Coughing may be performed purposely, or as part of a reflex. Although coughing may be a symptom of a serious illness, it will clear up more frequently on its own without the need for medical attention. If a cough has continued without relief for 3 weeks, then seeing a doctor is wise. 

  • If your child has a very high temperature, or feels hot and nervous, you can be diagnosed with the chest.
  • The GP should treat the infection with antibiotics, if caused by bacteria and not by a virus. Antibiotics will not necessarily relieve cough, or interrupt it.
  • It could be a sign of asthma if a tough one last a long time , especially if at night it is much worse.

Ear Infection in kids

Infections in the middle ear are also termed otitis media. They are very common particularly in children between the ages of 6 months and 3. Usually they are not serious and they aren’t contagious. Most ear infections occur when a child has been having a cold for a few days already.

Signs & Symptoms of Ear disorders in Babies

Older children will typically complain of a pain in their ears. While younger kids may not be able to tell they ‘re getting an earache, they may:

  • For an unidentified fever,
  • Be small,
  • Had trouble falling asleep, 
  • tug or pull their ears, or
  • Had difficulty listening to still sounds.

Some kids with an ear infection can have fluid leaking from the ear too.

Prevention of Ear Problems in Child

  • Wash your hands and hands of your child often to reduce the likelihood of a cold.
  • Breastfeeding your child.
  • Avoid bottle-feeding your baby when she’s lying down. Never put your baby in bed with a bottle of water.
  • Don’t use the pacifier (other) too often.
  • Don’t smoke, and keep your child away from any second-hand smoke. Exposure to smoke may increase the risk of ear infections.
  • Ensure that your child is given a pneumococcal vaccine (if they are at least 2 months of age and have not received this shot).
  • Make sure your child gets a flu shot every year.

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