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Tips to Reverse Prediabetes

Prediabetes Reverse Laws - How to Reverse Prediabetes?

Prediabetes is when blood pressure is above normal but not high enough to diagnose type 2 diabetes. The exact cause of prediabetes is unknown, but it is linked to insulin resistance. Maybe that happens when the cells do not respond to the insulin hormone.

People with prediabetes are also predisposed to health conditions such as heart disease and stroke. If we see figures from India alone, there are about 80 million Indians suffering from prediabetes. But this is nothing but a wake-up call for all of us, and a change in lifestyle seems necessary.

Lose Extra Weight with Daily Workouts

Weight loss is of vital importance if you have been diagnosed with prediabetes. Excess weight may get you predisposed to early diabetes. As a result, also 5-6 kgs of loss is known to delay the progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes. Do Workouts daily which in turns to lose your extra weight. Not Like a heavy workouts just do as simple as possible like

  • Bicycling
  • Walking
  • Aerobics
  • Swimming
  • Simple Exercises.

Does Exercise Help to Reverse Prediabetes ?
Lack of physical activity is also another risk factor for prediabetes. Exercise is not only ideal for strength and psychological well being, but it also lowers blood pressure by increasing insulin sensitivity. It allows insulin to be used more effectively by cells in the body.

Try out these simple things when you have no time for a gym.

  • Take the steps and try walking, any time you take a break from the office.
  • Park your car so far that you can take an extra mile
  • Do skipping or Jogging depending upon your convenience.
  •  If a mall or grocery store is near at home, go walking rather than going by car.
  • If you want to take your child to a park for a play. Play along with them.
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Reverse Prediabetes Diet

Eat more fibre-It is understood that a fiber-rich diet will reduce blood sugar levels and hold it to an optimal level. Fiber is responsible for keeping you full for longer periods of time and is known to avoid excessive sugar cravings. So all you need to do is make friends with fruit , vegetables, beans and whole grains like quinoa, barley, brown rice to get the necessary fibres on a regular basis. Provide at least 2 servings of fruit and 3-4 servings of vegetables each day and opt for organic rather than pesticides.

Opt for lean meat-Red meat or mutton as we know is high in cholesterol which can contribute to weight gain. It also clearly takes more time to digest the body. Again, pork is filled with a lot of fat and is not a perfect choice if you’re pre-diabetic. Therefore, if you are a die-hard non-vegetarian, choose chicken and fish. Not only would you get a dose of protein, but fish will also give you healthy fats that are good for your brain and help you maintain your weight to the maximum. Bake, barbecue, roast or sauté chicken / fish rather than deep fry.

Drink Plenty Of Water in a Day to avoid Type 2 Diabetes

Consume Low Carbs for Reverse Prediabetes

A low carbon diet is commonly used for weight loss. Some low-carb diets may have health benefits over and beyond weight loss, such as reduction of type 2 risk factors and metabolic syndrome. As the name suggests, a carbohydrate diet limits your carbohydrates form and number. Carbohydrates are a form of macronutrient in many foods and beverages that provides calories.

Common natural carbohydrate sources include:

Light carbohydrate diets can help to avoid or boost severe conditions of health including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Quit Smoking | Say No To Smoking

Most are aware of the risk of heart disease and carcinoma caused by smoking. In addition, the risk of insulin resistance, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes is increased by smoking.

You’re supposed to help avoid smoking. Using over-the-counter drugs such as nicotine patches or nicotine gums. Or, consult with your doctor, using prescription or smoking reduction services, to help reduce nicotine cravings.

Sleep Apnea Treatment to Reverse Prediabetes

Researchers found that the treatment of sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) not only helped people sleep better, but also improved their blood sugar ( glucose) levels, which could minimise the risk of diabetes complications such as heart and kidney disease.

Avoid Alcohol Consumption

If you have a habit of taking alcohol then you might be aware of the following things.

Those who want to reverse prediabetes need to opt for the healthy lifestyle and follow prevention tips. If the situation is worse then make an appointment with a Diabetology surgeon for better treatment with Quickcare.

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