How Often Should You Have a Well Child Exam?

How Often Should You Have a Well Child Exam? You might be wondering how often your child needs a wellness check-up. This usually depends on the age of the child, but it’s a good idea to talk to your child’s pediatrician about this. If your child has an underlying health condition, they may require more […]
WELL CHILD VISITS (For ages 18 and under)

WELL CHILD VISITS (For ages 18 and under) It is very important for children of all ages to get preventive care visits with their doctor. These visits are also called well-child visits or wellness visits. The goal of these visits is to track growth and development, identify any developmental delays early on, address any concerns […]
6 Reasons Your Child Should Get Immunization During The Times Of Covid-19!

6 Reasons Your Child Should Get Immunization During The Times Of Covid-19! Millions of parents immunize their kids every year without any concerns. Yet most of the parents are probably juggling a lot of responsibilities, and moreover concerned right now about the safety of taking their kids to the doctor’s clinic during a pandemic. To […]
6-Best High-Protein foods for Toddlers & Kids

6-Best High-Protein foods for Toddlers & Kids Ensuring a balanced diet for your children is an important part of their growth and development. One of the most important nutritional components is protein, you may wonder if your child is getting enough. The good news is that everyone should consider the important role that protein plays […]
10 to Try—Best Iron-rich foods for Toddlers & Kids

Top 10 to Try – Best Iron-rich foods for Toddlers & Kids Have a toddler or kid in your home? Is it time to start feeding your little mushy baby with solid food? Are you worried about how to get your toddler/kid to eat healthy ensuring essential nutrition they need to grow? Stop worrying, […]
How to control Eczema

What is Eczema Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a condition that creates your skin red and itchy. It is normal in children but can occur at any age. Atopic eczema is long lasting (chronic) and tends to flare periodically. it’s going to be amid asthma or hay fever. No cure has been found for atopic eczema. […]
Well Child Care

WELL CHILD CARE Childhood is a beautiful time for every individual. It is the age of rapid growth and change as the development and growth are faster in childhood. Well child visits play a key role in their growth and development. Well-child care or visits are those where parents can check about their child’s […]
Toilet Training – Get, Set, Go ….

Toilet Training – Get, Set, Go.. “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting” As a pediatrician in practice for 11 years now I feel that patience is the key for parents to be successful in toilet training. As achieving toilet training is an important […]
Atopic Eczema Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Atopic Eczema Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment What is Atopic Eczema(Dermatitis) ? Atopic Eczema (Dermatitis) is a disease that makes the skin red and itchy. It’s normal in infants, but it can happen at any age. Atopic dermatitis is long-lasting (chronic) and appears to flare up occasionally. Asthma or hay fever may accompany it. No treatment […]
Rheumatoid arthritis – Treatment & Medications @QuickMDcare

Rheumatoid arthritis – Treatment & Medications @QuickMDcare What is Rheumatoid arthritis A chronic inflammatory disease that can affect more than just the joints is rheumatoid arthritis. The disorder can damage a wide range of body systems in some individuals, including the skin , eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory disease, happens […]